Really, What is God's Grace?

by Duane Gallentine

By Definition:

God's grace is the highest and purest form of undeserved and unmerited favor that God himself freely and delightfully gives to anyone that believes in the shed blood of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of all sins during this present Dispensation of Grace, God's justice and grace can and will only accept faith in Christ's shed blood for sins since His justice against His enemies, Jew and Gentile, has been satisfied through Christ crucified.

By Activity:

  1. Grace is the issue of dealing with someone NOT on the basis of what they do or merit; NOT on the basis of their performance; NOT on the basis of their works of any kind or at any time.
  2. Grace works in TOTAL DISREGARD to another's performance.
  3. Grace flatly refuses to consider the unacceptable natural of works of merit which come from adam man's being.
  4. Grace operates in spite of the works of the one being dealt with.
  5. GRACE and WORKS are mutually exclusive ... each forms no part of the other.
  6. Works have no place whatsoever in receiving anything that is by grace.
  7. If works of any kind are injected into that which is by grace, IT IS NO MORE GRACE.
  8. When grace and works are mixed together it produces a perversion or distortion of the TRUTH of the Gospel of God's Grace.

The Destruction of Grace

When grace and works are mixed together it produces a perversion or distortion of the TRUTH of the Gospel of God's Grace.

The TRUTH that is distorted and perverted is that justification unto eternal life is by GRACE ALONE through FAITH ALONE in Christ crucified.

According to Romans 4:5, when a person believes Paul's Gospel of Grace, the placement of that faith in Christ's blood for the forgiveness of their sins allows the justice of God to respond with a personal declaration of rightness before God Almighty. God imputes His righteousness unto the private account of that reconciled enemy of His. This is the righteousness of God by faith that Paul writes about in Philippians 1:9, 2 Corinthians 5:21; and Romans 3:22.


Paul also shows that his gospel plainly declares in Romans 3:24-26 that men's works are NOT compatible with God's grace, nor are they acceptable to God's justice. Furthermore, Romans 3:27-28 makes it clear that God has declared them [works of any kind and any time in this Dispensation of the Grace of God] to be unacceptable to His justice and grace; and, He has excluded them from justification unto eternal life for us gentiles.

Any type of human merit when it is added onto the Gospel of the God's Grace brings about the perversion of Grace resulting in the destruction of it. Anyone who does this by any means that Satan throws at him or her, ends up subverted from the TRUTH of the Gospel and in all practical reality, Christ has died in vain and they have fallen from grace.

"Where is boasting then, it is excluded."
"Not of works, lest any man should boast."